The Joy Of Posterous

I am writing this post downstairs in the living room while watching a cracking football match on the telly. That in itself is not terribly impressive (I’m just trying to establish a setting). However, the reason why I’m writing this post at all is because I’m using Gmail on  Posterous as opposed to a traditional CMS like Blogger or WordPress.

There are those who believe that the days of the e-mail are numbered. That there is no place for POP3 this and SMTP that in a Web 2.0 world. Posterous, may give exponents of that theory pause for thought. 

Posterous offers a Web 1.0 approach but with a 2.0 result. It is a blogging format that works really well for novices, casual bloggers or people with little time on their hands but with something to blog about.  There is also plenty for the committed social networker, who can’t break wind without telling everyone about it on their myriad social networking IDs, to play with.

The process is simple. Send an e-mail to You don’t have to sign up for an account if you don’t want to. Posterous takes the information from your e-mail address plus the body of your e-mail and publishes it as a blog. Once it’s done that, you receive a confirmation e-mail supplying you with the link to your post. 
Give it a try yourself. The passage below is a typical example of a crude attempt at viral marketing. Copy it into an e-mail and send it to

Dear Posterous,

According to redduffman, all I need to do in order to post a blog is send you an e-mail. Please reply confirming that he is a lying cad and a bounder.


A skeptical reader with fantastic taste in blogs.

Now check your Inbox… and there you go.

Of course if you do set up an account, there is an impressive array of services available including auto posting to existing blogs, dragging text, pics and videos, automatic podcast syndication etc etc. Adding tags is easy as you just include them in the body of your e-mail (tag: Posterous, Social Networking, Blogs).

The scalability and simplicity of Posterous is what’s making it the platform du jour among hard core bloggers and social networkers alike. Better still, it is a fantastic tool to use for introducing people who are new to blogging and web publishing.

Posted via email from redduffman

One Response to The Joy Of Posterous

  1. Thanks for your write up. I especially enjoyed “Posterous offers a Web 1.0 approach but with a 2.0 result”

    I’ve always hated it when products move to the web just for the sake of being on the web. People put up with tools that are inferior to the desktop alternatives just because being on the web is hip and cool.

    The web is a great place to share things with others. it’s a great destination. but it’s not necessarily where you will find the best tools to actually create the content you want to share.

    So we decided to use email, which is available everywhere, understood by everyone, and already does everything you need for blogging.

    Thanks again, and let us know if we can do anything for you!

    Sachin Agarwal

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